ok so it's been a few days since I posted. sorry about that. I've been busy doing stuff. what stuff, you ask? well, here you go.
friday evening I went to see "fahrenheit 9/11" with cogan, q and jeremy. cogan and I went to get sushi beforehand (where he totally spilled his miso soup all over the table. hehe. ;-)) and then we waited in line for about an hour. there were crazy amounts of people there to see the movie. it was so exciting. it was mostly young people, but it was also the 10:55 showing, so that probably explains part of that. anyway, the movie was excellent. parts were hilarious and parts were heartbreaking. michael moore has a great sense of timing and knowing what to put where and how much is enough. a couple parts did drag on a little bit, but on the whole, it was a good movie and really made you think about what was going on in the government and our country. it shows all different sides of the iraq war: the president and his advisors, the soldiers fighting over there, those who were wounded fighting over there, family members of soldiers who died, and even family members of killed iraqis. it was very emotional and parts were very hard to watch, but overall it really helped you wake up and see what kind of things were going on on the other side of the world. I think that everyone, regardless of their political affliation (or lack thereof) - and probably especially republicans - should go and watch this movie. it will give you a new perspective of what it means to be an american and hopefully inspire you to change that image. despite what things you might have read somewhere, it is a very pro-america movie and michael moore is clearly patriotic. there is probably nothing more patriotic in this country than standing up to your government and telling them that you don't approve of what they're doing. our country was founded on principles such as these and it is important, especially in times like these, to remember why we're here and what we strive to be.
saturday was spent sleeping in and then going to coronado with jeralin and nancy. it was overcast, so that kind of sucked, but I think we all had a good time. my new digital camera (a nikon coolpix 3200 - 3.2 megapixels with a 3x optical zoom plus many other wonderful features) and so I was able to take some pictures and try it out. so far, I love it. and I can't wait to be taking pictures of europe in a few weeks (three weeks from right now I will be in France). saturday night I just hung out with some people; nothing too exciting. jeralin and I went to world curry for dinner, so that was fabulous as always. oh man, their vindaloo is spicy. I love it!
sunday I spent about three hours at ikea (the best store ever) with cogan. I bought a shelving unit for my new apartment and a couple other things. cogan bought some stuff too, much to his chagrin. we also split a yummy cinnamon roll. sunday evening I relaxed and went to bed at a reasonable hour (I think).
monday I went to work (oh, surprise) and then to a dinner party at brandon's apartment. he has the cutest apartment ever! we ate lots of yummy food and we listened to ace of base. it was great. after playing a really long game of cranium (which janine and I won) we went to tgi friday's for brandon's birthday celebration. I also bought the new wilco album. it is really good.
today I went to work (oh, surprise again) and then hung out with jeralin and nancy again. we got pho for dinner and also went to the cheesecake factory for some dessert. oh heaven.
tomorrow: after work, playing raquetball with jeremy (hopefully) and then going to fred's mexican cafe with mike ficken and jeralin. I will finish off the day with my last trip (probably ever) to karl strauss college night. so sad. if you don't have any plans, you should come too.
also, if anyone wants to buy a desk or a wetsuit, let me know immediately.
two weeks from tomorrow I will be on a plane to london. can't wait!!!