Friday, October 01, 2004

colloquim and karaoke at the vine

today (thursday - ok, technically yesterday since it's 1:30am) was such an interesting day.
it started off alright, since I got 8 hours of sleep last night, something that has not happened in a while. yesterday, after being on campus for 13 hours and doing an awesome job on my presentation, I came home and just vegged out in front of the tv. I got to bed early and slept really well. I was exhausted. classes today were sort of eh, but whatever, I try not to expect too much from them except to be something to complain about. anyway, after our last class, we were trying to decide if we all wanted to go to the weekly colloquim or not. the topic sounded kind of boring (some kind of biophysics thing about molecules) and we all had homework and other better things to do. but, the free food called us, and we ended up going. most of us brought something else to do during it, so that helped. luckily, we got there early enough to get seats in the back row (the very best place to be, especially if you don't plan on playing attention). however, this colloquim was different from all the other ones we had been to. it was hilarious. and not intentionally. that was why it was so funny. I think only the first and second year grad students sitting in the back were getting all the innuendoes, but it was hilarious to us. we had to contain our laughter. it started off talking about scruin, which is some kind of protein extracted from the sperm cells of horseshoe crabs apparently. however, every time the speaker said scruin we heard him say "screwing" and it just cracked us up for some reason. it didn't help that he had graphs about how to increase stiffness and the length of floppiness and things like that. it was all we could do to be quiet. now, maybe we were being immature, but whatever, it was hilarious and helped us get through the hour of usual boredom.

thursday night me, katie, adam, angel, and hwi went to the vine near campus for karaoke night. katie and I had been talking about going to someplace for karaoke for a while, so we figured we finally might actually do it. adam started us off with pearl jam's "jeremy" (very good) and then hwi did a great job of eric carmen's "all by myself". she actually hit all the notes and everything. it was awesome. katie and I took a while to pick the perfect song and then the guy in charge ended up losing our slip of paper, so we didn't get to actually go on until right before we were ready to leave. but, we still got our song in: journey's "don't stop believing". it was great, if I do say so myself. it's a good karaoke song, and everyone in the place got into it. we couldn't convince angel to sing, but hopefully next time he'll get the courage to do it.

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