wow, what an exciting and interesting game six. curt schilling rocks. I am so excited for the red sox. they actually might pull it off and get to the world series this year. we'll see what happens tomorrow night. I should be able to catch the last half of the game after my late class. reverse the curse! this is the year!
in other news, jon stewart is my hero. he went on crossfire last friday and totally kicked tucker's ass. it was awesome. you can watch the clip here:
so great. then, last night on the daily show, he continued to make fun of them when discussing what happened when he went on the show and such. it just gets better and better.
I figured out how to do international text messaging today, so hopefully it works. keep your fingers crossed. modern technology is only great when it works correctly.
yesterday I turned in my e&m midterm which I spent all weekend working on (literally, I was working on it all weekend. my life sucks). by some act of god, I have nothing else due this week (except reading articles for tomorrow night), so I'm excited because I should be able to get a normal amount of sleep starting tomorrow night all the way through early next week. sooo happy. it's scary that little things like that make such a difference.
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