Sunday, October 24, 2004

out on the town

so last friday, me and a bunch of the other physics grad students went out on the town to de-stress from the week of midterm hell. we started off at dos gringos, a place trying to be like the fun mexican bars south of the border (except for being clean and more expensive). unfortunately, one of our friends, angel, is from puerto rico and hasn't gotten an arizona id card yet, so they wouldn't let him in. it's such a stupid thing, because he's a u.s. citizen and all that and just because his id is different they won't let him in. sooo dumb. so anyway, we left that place and headed over to mill avenue so we could all hang out together. the first place we went to there also wouldn't let him in, so we were starting to get really annoyed (at the stupid people, not angel). he wanted to just leave so we could go in, but we wouldn't let him. next we tried the sushi restaurant/bar and they wouldn't let him in at first either. but then something happened, and they changed their mind. thank goodness. so we all found a table in the back and ordered our sake bombs. and a good time was had by all. here are some pictures from the evening:

clockwise from left: katie, oscar, angel, tedman, steve, keeley, alec, and seth (well, the back of seth's head anyway)

me and katie

me and angel (don't worry, james, nothing is going on here. hehe. i miss you!)

katie and alec

adam not being drunk. someone earlier in the day said adam was like a quantum state: he was either drunk or not drunk. (haha. physics joke. sorry guys.)

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