Monday, August 16, 2004

grad school orientation

so today I started graduate school orientation and TA training. we started early in the morning and did stuff all day, so I'm pretty tired right now. but it's all good. I had a pretty good day. it started off with me biking to campus. it took only about 10 minutes which was really nice. I found the building I needed to go to fairly easily and checked in with lots of time to spare. the morning was spent in a general sort of orientation for all of the new TAs at Arizona State University. it wasn't too boring and I was hyped up on caffeine, so it was tolerable. then we had a small break and then some diversity training (which was pretty boring for me because it was just like all of the stuff I had to go through when I was training to be a resident advisor at ucsd). then I had time for some lunch and afterwards headed over to the physics building for my department orientation. I finally was able to meet the other 14 people that were also starting out as grad students. everyone I met was really friendly and I'm excited about everything coming up. there are a bunch of international students; a bunch of people from china and a couple other countries (someone is from puerto rico - of course he was boasting about the puerto rico basketball win yesterday in the olympics - and there is at least one other country represented as well, although I'm not sure which one). of the 15 of us, there are four women (including myself) which is statistically about average (it should be around 30% at this point) so that was encouraging as well. also, my initial advisor is a woman so that is good as well. I have my first meeting with her tomorrow to set up my class schedule and stuff like that. should be good. I also found out what class I will be TAing for this semester which is good. I will be teaching 5 recitation sections (like discussion sections, where we will do sample problems, review homework, and things like that) for an introductory physics class so that is cool (especially since the professor in charge of the class is in the physics education field - which is my area of emphasis - and it seems like the class already has some of the education reforms in place that I have been studying the last year and a half). I also saw where my office will be and am excited about that as well. it looks like it's going to be a good year.

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