what week it has been. I think today things are finally looking up again. I had a not-so-great weekend (except for a few isolated nice incidents). friday night was nice because alec had a bunch of the grad students over to his aunt's house and she made us a real dinner. it was really good. ever since a week and a half ago (around halloween) I have been having lots of trouble sleeping. I think I have some kind of insomnia or something. it's not good, whatever it is. I can only sleep about 4 hours a night, and even that is difficult to get all at once. I don't know what the problem is. even when I'm tired (like on sunday after my soccer game) it is difficult to fall asleep. anyway, so the weekend was pretty much spent trying to figure out how to be not tired any more, which meant a lot of reading and watching tv (and working on my research project of course). the soccer game on sunday went alright. we tired 0-0 which was a bit disappointing for me. our forwards are not working hard enough and just can't score. it's frustrating since I play defense and don't have much of a say about how many goals we score (just about how many the other team scores). anyway, I still couldn't sleep and therefore slept through my alarm on monday. luckily, because of veteran's day today, all of my sections to teach were cancelled this week, so I didn't miss anything (although I wouldn't have missed that, but whatever). monday night I still couldn't sleep to save my life. I think I got about 3 hours in between 4 and 7 am. tuesday night was almost worse. I was exhausted when I got and fell asleep at 9pm, which is basically unheard of in my world. unfortunately, when I woke up and looked at the clock, it was only 1am. I found stuff to do for a few more hours until I was sort of tired again and got a bit more sleep around 5am. I think I managed almost 8 hours that night, although it wasn't all at once. things started looking a bit better on wednesday because that was the day of the grand opening of the new ikea store here in tempe. I absolutely love ikea and was very excited about having one close by again. so, me and jen and angel went over there around 2pm and battled through the crowds (and the parking mess). it was pretty crowded, but not too horrible. unfortunately, jen and I had class at 4:40 so we kind of had to rush it in order to get back to school in time. we didn't really get to fully take in the wonderfulness of ikea, but at least we could say that we were there on opening day (and we got free ikea key chains that are also a measuring tape. hehe). after class, I came home and wasn't quite tired enough to sleep. so I watched some tv and then katie called and wanted to rent a movie. so, me, katie and angel rented eurotrip and watched it over at her house (after doing a small bit of impromptu grocery shopping). when I got home after that, I crashed on my bed and got a full seven hours of sleep. yay! I was so excited when I woke up this morning. well, that and the fact that katie wanted to go to ikea, so headed back there around noon. because we didn't have classes today and because our mechanics homework assignment got pushed back to monday, we had the whole day free to enjoy. so, we ended up spending about 4 and a half hours at ikea. the parking was absolutely horrendous. and it was even more crowded than yesterday. but we still managed to get a lot of good stuff (and big wish lists of what to get next time) and had lots of swedish meatballs. oh yum. today I finished the day off with soccer practice and some mint chocolate ice cream. things are definitely looking better. (oh, that and I am seriously considering going to london for a week after the semester ends. what do you think?)
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