Wednesday, May 30, 2007

anthony's graduation!

so, today, I woke up super early and drove 400 miles to surprise my brother, Anthony, for his graduation from college. he thought I was only coming for the party on Saturday, but I figured that I should come for the actual ceremony as well. I knew the day was going to go well because I was listening to NPR in the morning, the Diane Rehm show was talking about the book Cat's Cradle by Kurt Vonnegut, which is my most favorite book. so that was nice. there wasn't too much traffic so I made pretty good time, and got here just minutes before my brother showed up. he was definitely surprised. the graduation itself was fairly boring (of course), but I'm glad I was there. :)

Anthony's Graduation

earlier in the week (and last weekend), I was puppy-sitting Steve and Keely's new puppy Bella and their dog Jasmine. it was a lot of work (that mostly involved cleaning up "accidents" and entertaining the hyper puppy) but Bella is so cute it didn't really matter.

Bella, the puppy

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