Tuesday, October 30, 2007

Halloween 2007

so we all celebrated Halloween last weekend, on Friday, with a big party at Steve and Keely's house. there were lots of good costumes and everyone seemed to enjoy themselves (maybe a few people a little too much). all I can say is that I had an awesome time and I can't believe we all stayed up that late.

I dressed as a member of team Zissou from the Life Aquatic with Steve Zissou (a great movie by Wes Anderson). I knitted the red cap and added all the trim to some clothes I got at Goodwill. I even embroidered a little Zissou patch for the shirt. it turned out great!

I posted some pictures from the party here:
Halloween 2007

Saturday, Gregg was in town because his brother is insane and ran a 100-mile race. yes, I did type that correctly. it took him about 29 hours. that is crazy. (and people think I'm crazy for wanting to do the half marathon again in January. seriously.) Gregg and I hung out and had a good time. but it was a continuation of a week of not enough sleep. I need more sleep!

school + fun = not enough sleep

the end

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