for reals. how is already August? that is insane.
this is what happened in July: went to San Fran for 4th of July (hung out with the step-family), did a lot of work at school, tried to stay cool in the air conditioning of my apartment and office, played with Laika (best dog ever), drank a lot of coffee (yay cold-brewed iced coffee), read a couple books and a lot of magazines, watched a crap load of movies (thanks Netflix!), started the whole online dating thing (jury is still out), hung out with my aunt and twin cousins, cooking yummy food, and I got addicted to Dr. Horrible's Sing-Along Blog (super awesome). all in all, not a bad month. just a fast one.
August is going to be a blur, I can already tell. here's the plan so far: work meeting at Berkeley all next week (hello 75 degrees), two house-warming parties, possible camping trip, trip to Seattle for a wedding (soo excited!), fall semester begins, and Labor Day weekend trip to Santa Barbara (as always - family reunion).